• Finding the balance

May 09, 2018

May 9, 2018:  Finding the balance.

I read a book last year regarding good business practices and the one thing I carried away with it was that you have to have a balance in everything. That is a struggle I deal with daily. Doesn’t everyone? A balance between work, mommy duties, wife duties, house duties, yard duties, normal upkeep duties, second job duties and then my art goals. While it is a great idea, I have found that something will ultimately be sacrificed on any given day. It is up to me what that will be.
I have a massive planner that I have work goals, deadlines and reminders written it. It also contains my second job duties and family appts. etc. That planner has helped me with my balance, but also helps me sacrifice something every day so that I can get it all done. I used to try and get everything done. That burned me out. So I do prioritize everything I need to do each day and each week. Sometimes I’ll solely work on one project and push everything else to the side. As long as I keep what is important first, like family, then it will all fall into place...eventually.
This week is one of those weeks. I’ve pushed my art and other things to the side to get another job done. It is a necessity and one that I’ve allotted about 12 days to complete. I’m on day 5 of it. It is weather dependent and so when it rains I’ll be indoors and working on my art. Tomorrow it is supposed to rain. Fingers crossed that it does so that I can work on my “Keeper”. I have been working on him in my mind while I am at my other job. I have loads of detail ideas about him and have some research to do to finish creating him, but I have a good idea in my head the direction I want to take him.
So that is where I’m at this week. Until the next rainy day, hopefully tomorrow,
ta ta.

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Also in Once Upon a Dream. Once Upon a Time...

Working while traveling...Ugh.
Working while traveling...Ugh.

December 13, 2018

I’m having some juggling to do while on this trip and it is wearing me out. That’s not to say that I’m not having the time of my life. Just that being on a holiday trip is not all that it is cracked up to be and I wanted to give you a little insight to the whole facebook/social media facade that a lot of people get caught up in. So many times it is fake. Happy pictures are posted and a world is crumbling behind them. I try to be real. Not fake. I don’t take selfies and I don’t put my face all over my personal or fan site. It is just not me.

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And so it begins....
And so it begins....

June 04, 2018

Then we all leave for the UK, where I will work on each of their stories and unique details. I have exactly six weeks to complete this goal along with taking pictures and plotting out some further details that I will need for each story and the locations I will be heading to.

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The Dark Crystal and finding balance on a Saturday
The Dark Crystal and finding balance on a Saturday

May 19, 2018

Onto the fun stuff. The models! As long as my idea comes full circle I think you all will love the end products. All of the models will be complete on a base and will all tie together in ways inspired by legendary places we’re going to see in person!

So far, I have been told they are reminiscent of The Dark Crystal—that legendary realm of creative inspiration brought to life by Jim Henson, and based on the landmark creations of Brian and Wendy Froud.

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