Realms, Fables and Legends Featuring Original Creatures, Creations & Stories
by Artist H.D.H. Reviglio
Once Upon A Dream is a creative sculpting and design shoppe specializing in One-of-a-Kind creations within an inimitable universe of mysterious models/artdolls that has been whimsically drawn, originally created and fully realized from worldwide Faery and Fantasy lore.
The original creations extend to include whimsical Christmas sprites, nature spirits, wee fairy folk and mystical All Hallows’ Eve spirits.
H. H. Reviglio is an original artist, sculptor, storyteller, teacher and purveyor of uniquely crafted art dolls, creatures, miniature worlds and original stories steeped in magical invention.
Her works are inspired by mystical international locations, ageless fables and the eternal dreams of adults and children who love fantasy realms.
Onto the fun stuff. The models! As long as my idea comes full circle I think you all will love the end products. All of the models will be complete on a base and will all tie together in ways inspired by legendary places we’re going to see in person!
So far, I have been told they are reminiscent of The Dark Crystal—that legendary realm of creative inspiration brought to life by Jim Henson, and based on the landmark creations of Brian and Wendy Froud.
"Art creates a window into another world...That is a true gift, to help others see the world in a different way.”
~Rebecca Ross